Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Hello 2S Families!  

I hope that at this point you have received your copy of the Welcome Letter! It is also posted below this post for reference. The forms that were sent with the letter can be brought in on the first day of school or to the open house. As I mentioned in the letter, this website will be used instead of the traditional teacher newsletters; so when you get a chance, please follow this blog for updates on our learning! 

I also wanted to touch more on how I use Instagram in the classroom. As I mentioned in my letter, our class does have an Instagram account, 2s_bakie_crew.  I included some questions along with answers that you may have about how it will be used this year. If you still have any questions please feel free to email me ( and I will be happy to answer them!

Q: Who will be posting on the account?
      A: I will be the only one posting  on the account. I use Instagram as a way to share what we are learning and what students are working on. It is one of the tools I use to keep families informed! 

Q: What will you be posting on the account?
  A: I will be posting short videos and pictures. These will often include pictures of students,  charts we used, books we read, or any events we attended. I will NOT post students names. I will only be taking pictures of students that have permission to be recorded/photographed. 

Q: Why use Instagram in the classroom? 
     A: As I mentioned above, it is a way I can share what students are working on with you, but it also gives you more ways to talk about school with your second grader. This way you hear more details about his or her day.  No more " I don't know" or " I can't remember"! 

Q: Who can see the Instagram photos and videos?
   A: Only people to whom I have allowed permission.

Q: Will you request to follow our personal Instagram accounts? 
   A: I will not request to follow you.  I respect that these accounts are your personal accounts and you may want them to remain that way! 

Monday, July 25, 2016


Hello 2S Families, 
       First things first, WELCOME to SECOND grade! I hope you are all enjoying your summers! It is hard to believe that summer is almost over and soon it will be time for school. I wanted to send you a quick letter to introduce myself and send along some information. My name is Meghan Sullivan and I will be your child’s second grade teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. This will be my first year at Bakie Elementary and I am so excited to be joining this positive, successful school community! I met many of your children on “Move Up Day” in June, and I am so excited to have all them in my class! The included paperwork and supplies can be brought to school at the open house on Friday, August 26th from 2-3 or on the first day of school. I will be working in our classroom that day, so please feel free to stop by and say hello. The second grade supply list is posted on the school website and on our class blog. Many of the materials brought in will be shared by our classroom community, so no names are needed (except for the ear buds!) In addition to the school supplies, please bring in a bag of coins (20 pennies, 10 nickels, 10 dimes, and 6 quarters) (labeled with your child’s name). We will be following the Everyday Math program this year and will be working with real coins. These will be returned at the end of the school year. Thank you! Please do not send additional supplies, as there won’t be a place to store the extra materials. School will begin on Monday, August 29st at 8:30.
On the first day of school students may bring a TREASURE bag. A treasure bag has 5-7 items that your child will share with the class during the first week of school. Please make sure the items can fit inside the bag and can stay at school for a week or two (something your child won’t miss at home). These items should be important to your child and something he or she feels comfortable sharing (please, no electronics). Some ideas include: family pictures, shells, a special toy, etc. I am looking forward to learning what your child treasures!
Second graders will have a morning snack everyday.  Please make sure that this is a quick, healthy, and easy to eat snack that your child can manage independently.  Please remember to send along a spoon if one is needed.  Water bottles are always welcome in the classroom!
The first few weeks of second grade will be devoted to establishing a caring, safe, and respectful environment.  Together, we will create our classroom rules, practice using materials correctly, learn about each other, practice our math and literacy rotations, and much more!  With this strong foundation in place, we will be able to accomplish a great deal during our year together. 

In our classroom this year, we will be sitting at tables, not desks.  I love the tables and I know the children will too!  Due to sitting at tables though, our storage is very limited.  Along with their own section of a table, each student will also have a cubby inside the classroom where they can store their backpack, lunch box, and jacket.  Please label these items with your child’s name and 2S.  This will help us during the school year! 
For your information, Café Services at Bakie School uses My School Bucks to make paying for students’ lunch and/or breakfast easy! Look for the link on the district website ( and click on Café Services. There you will find information on how to use My School Bucks. Breakfast costs $1.50 and lunch is $2.25. Included in that link is information about free and reduced lunches. If you qualify, your child can receive free breakfast and lunch or it may be reduced to $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch. The application is located on this site as well.
Please be sure to send in a note if your child will be picked up early or their dismissal plan is different from what they normally do after school.  If I don’t receive a note, I will send your child home by their typical after school plan.  The school provides dismissal forms and they can be found on the school website.
I have begun posting more class information on our class webpage: In the effort to be as “paperless” as a teacher can be, I will be periodically uploading posts about what we are learning, events we have attended at school, and any big 2S news. This blog will take the place of a class newsletter. Check our blog for an “About Me” page to learn more about me and to share with your child. If you are on Instagram feel free to follow our class page. The username is:  2s_bakie_crew. This is a private account that only I have access too. I choose who can view the account so please make sure your name is on your profile if you request permission to follow us. I will not post students’ names or post students’ pictures that do not have permission to be photographed. This account is for you as parents to get a snapshot of our day and to see 2S learning and in action! I have used this in the past and have had positive feedback from parents.
I hope this letter has been helpful to you even though it is just a quick glimpse into 2S! There will be a lot of paperwork sent home during the first few weeks of school so please watch for it.  I am a firm believer in the teacher and parents/guardians being a team during the school year so please feel free at any time to contact me by writing me a note, calling the school at 642-5272, or by emailing me at

I look forward to meeting and working with you all this year!


Meg Sullivan