Writers Workshop Set Up:
Mini Focus Lesson (Whole Class)- Interactive read aloud/direct instruction focused on a specific skill.
Write and Confer-
• Independent Reading and Writing: Practice taught skill during this time.
• Small Group/ Partner Reading/ Writing
• Reading: Literature Circles, Book Clubs
• Conferencing w/ teacher one-one or in small group to work on individual skills and assess student progress.
• Peer Conferencing
Group Share/Wrap-Up (Whole Class)- Share, Reinforce skills, Discuss.
Reading Block Set Up:
"Daily Five" Rotations
There are different rotations that we will be completing four days a week. Below is a short description of each rotation. Students will complete each rotation but choose the order they complete the rotations. This allows student's to have some choice and independence in their scheduling.
Meet with Teacher- In small groups students will meet with me as part of the Guided Reading Program we follow at Bakie. This allows me to target goals with students while providing direct instruction in the areas they need. During this time students not meeting with the teacher are working on their rotations independently or with a partner.
Read to Self- During this time your child will be reading books at their "just right" level. Your child will be practicing strategies we have learned in class and responding to texts.
Read to Partner- During this time we have the opportunity to read with a classmate. We will practice comprehension strategies of "who & what" every few pages to make sure our partners are focused and listening. Reading out loud to others helps increase our fluency and confidence as readers. It provides a time for partners to work together and support learning.
Listen to Reading- For this center we use Raz Kids. Your child will listen to books of interest and hear fluent, expressive reading. During this time children are exposed to new words to build their vocabulary and work on texts that may be a bit more challenging.
Word Work-Build It- During this time your child will work on their spelling words and word patterns through tactile ways- play-doh, beads, and pipe cleaners. This helps reinforce spelling in a more visual, hands on way.
Word Work-Build It- During this time your child will work on their spelling words and word patterns through tactile ways- play-doh, beads, and pipe cleaners. This helps reinforce spelling in a more visual, hands on way.
Word Work-Sort- During this time your child will work on their spelling words and word patterns through Word's Their Way sorts.
Work on Writing- Students will be working on stories from their Writers' Workshop time. They will have the opportunity to try a variety of different writing formats- letters, journaling, list writing and creative writing.
Book Club- In this rotation students will meet with their groups without a teacher. They will discuss the book using prompts and questions from their "meet with teacher" group.
Book Club- In this rotation students will meet with their groups without a teacher. They will discuss the book using prompts and questions from their "meet with teacher" group.
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