Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Septemeber Newsletter

Hello 2S Families!

Well September has come and gone! We are off to a great start in second grade!

In reading we reviewed the Elements of Fiction and learned a new song to help us remember it! We also learned how to retell a story, and of course that had a song too! We spent the first few weeks practicing our reading rotations and exploring new ones that are new to me, as well as the students! Ask your child which center they like the most!

In math we learned about coins. We will continue to work with coins all year. Counting combinations of coins is a great activity to practice at home. We have finished our unit one math assessment and are currently working on unit two!

In writing we worked on building writing stamina and personal narratives. We have loved writing in our Circle Notebooks every week. In October we will focus on adding adjectives to our writing to create more detailed sentences. If you could take a few minutes each weekend to write in your child's circle notebook, they would love to read a note from you the following week!

In science we talked about our five senses and hurricanes. This led to our collecting and donating to our adopted classroom in Houston, Texas. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT WITH THIS!

I look forward to meeting with many of you at conferences! Until then, please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

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